We are having a new look! As we work hard to bring you a fresh new experience under SimplyGo Pte. Ltd., some services will not be available on the TransitLink Corporate Website, SimplyGo Website and SimplyGo portal from 9 pm, 31 Aug to 3 am, 1 Sep 2024. We apologise for the inconvenience caused.

Stored Value Travel Cards (Non-Concession)

The convenient Adult Stored Value Travel Card (Non-Concession) is a contactless stored value smartcard that can be used for fare payment on buses, the MRT and LRT.

Please click here for the Conditions of Issue and Use for Stored Value Travel Cards.

How to Use

You will need at least $3 in your stored value travel card before you can start your journey on the MRT/LRT. This ensures that you have enough in your card to pay the required fare when exiting the faregates, even for the longest journey.

For travelling on bus services, you will need to have enough stored value to cover the cost of travel from your boarding point to the last stop on that bus service route. If you are unsure of the minimum required amount, we recommend that you have at least $3 in your card for basic bus services.

To ensure that your card is read properly by the card reader upon entry and exit, please:

  1. Take out and tap only the intended card at the card reader, especially if you have more than one card in your wallet, handbag, purse, etc.; and
  2. Avoid attaching any metallic object to your card, e.g. keys, coins.


Where to Purchase

Visit any SimplyGo Ticket Office to purchase one. There are currently two types of Adult Stored Value Travel Cards (Non-Concession) available for purchase – the SimplyGo EZ-Link card and NETS Prepaid card. Both the SimplyGo EZ-Link and NETS Prepaid cards cost $10 each (includes a $5 non-refundable card cost and $5 travel value).

For more information on the SimplyGo EZ-Link card, please visit the EZ-Link website.

Please note that SimplyGo Pte Ltd does not support the top-up, refund and replacement of NETS Prepaid Cards.
For more information on the NETS Prepaid card, please visit the NETS website.


For EZ-Link cards and NETS FlashPay cards, we support the following services:

Card Top-Up 

You can top up your card through any of the following channels:

The minimum amount that you can top up is $2 by cash and $10 by e-payment (NETS/Credit/Debit Card). Please note that the card can only store up to a maximum value of $500.

Please use the exact amount when paying with cash at selected Top-Up Kiosks as they do not accept coins or issue change.

* Please note that Credit/debit cards issued outside of Singapore are temporarily not accepted at the ASK, TUK and SimplyGo Kiosks until further notice.


Card Refund

Visit any SimplyGo Ticket Office to request a refund of the remaining travel value in the card. Please note that the $5 card cost paid during the purchase of the card is non-refundable.


Card Faulty

Proceed to the nearest SimplyGo Ticket Office to get the card checked.

If the card is found to be faulty, we will issue you with a replacement card. The $5 card cost for the replacement card will be waived. A minimum top-up of $5 is required to activate the replacement card for use on public transport.

All EZ-Link cards and NETS FlashPay cards that are found to be faulty within five years from date of issue will be replaced with a new one, so long as SimplyGo Pte Ltd has assessed that the cards have not been tampered with, intentionally damaged or carelessly handled.


There are several possible reasons why your card was rejected, such as due to it being invalid (e.g. corrupted, defective, blacklisted, not activated for use, expired) or unauthorised use.

Please approach the Service Leader, Bus Captain, SimplyGo Ticket Office or Passenger Service Centre for assistance. Your card may be retained for investigation.

Bring your card to a SimplyGo Ticket Office or Passenger Service Centre for investigation. If your EZ-Link card or NETS FlashPay card is found to be corrupted or defective, a replacement card will be issued and any remaining stored value will be refunded after five working days.

For EZ-Link card and NETS FlashPay card holders, you can approach a SimplyGo Ticket Office, call the SimplyGo Hotline at 1800-2255 663, use the SimplyGo Portal or SimplyGo app, or use the customer claims e-service to file a claim. The claim must be made within 14 days of the incident. You will need to provide your personal contact and incident details.